Welcome to CFRANA.com

This is the homepage of the Chattahoochee Flint River Area of Narcotics Anonymous.
The primary purpose of this home page is to help addicts stay clean.
It is also designed to:

  • Provide updated meeting schedules
  • Forms and documents needed for administrative purposes
  • Information on events to be held in the CFRANA  area. This site will be available for information regarding Area Conventions, Workshops, and other events of interest to the Fellowship.
  • Links to other recovery sites on the web

This site is a work-in-progress, and we will be adding more and more features and content each week, so remember keep coming back!

Please use first name and last initial when commenting, replying or posting.  This is  to keep within the 12th Tradition of Narcotics Anonymous and protect the anonymity of our fellowship.  Thank you!



Click here to access the Georgia Region Website (GRCNA)